What is Hemp Oil?

What is Hemp Oil?

Once considered no more than a dangerous psychoactive drug, cannabis is now known for its incredible health benefits. Cannabis has become increasingly popular because of its extremely versatile medicinal properties which have few side effects. In fact, The use of cannabis products has skyrocketed in recent years, and sales are expected to rise from $6.6 billion in 2016 to $24.1 billion in 2025

Hemp oil is one of the most popular cannabis products. It contains a plethora of health-promoting properties.

What Is Hemp?

Even with the rising popularity, many are still confused about the difference between hemp and marijuana. Both plants are very similar. In fact, they are both forms of Cannabis Sativa. What distinguishes the two is their chemical makeups.

The two chemicals that cannabis plants are most known for are Cannabidiol (CBD) and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). These are only two of more than one hundred cannabinoids found in cannabis.

Hemp often contains high amounts of CBD. However, hemp can legally only contain 0.3% THC. Cannabis plants that contain over .3% THC cannot be considered hemp. On the other hand, marijuana can contain very high amounts of THC.

Does Hemp Cause A High?

One of the primary concerns is whether or not hemp can cause a “high” sensation. Unlike marijuana, hemp is not psychoactive—meaning it won’t get you high. THC is the chemical in marijuana that is psychoactive. Hemp only contains trace amounts of THC, which is not enough to cause a high.

What Is Hemp Oil?

There are several types of oil which can be derived from hemp. Let’s take a look at each of them.

Hemp oil

Hemp oil is derived from the stalk of the hemp plant. It is primarily extracted for its CBD content. However, it can contain a wide range of other cannabinoids. Hemp oil must contain less than .3% THC content.

CBD oil

Much like hemp oil, CBD oil is primarily extracted from hemp for its CBD content. The difference is that CBD oil can be derived from the entire plant including the flowering portion. In states in which it is legal, CBD oil may be derived from marijuana instead of hemp. This makes for a CBD oil that contains higher amounts of THC. With a high enough amount of THC, CBD oil can cause a high sensation.

Hemp seed oil

Hemp seed oil is a bit different from CBD oil and hemp oil. This oil is derived from hemp seeds rather than the stalk and flowering portions. It contains little or no CBD or THC. Instead, it is primarily extracted for its healthy fatty acids.

Although all three hemp-derived oils have amazing health benefits, hemp oil is our primary focus in this article.

How Hemp Oil Is Used

Hemp oil can be used in many different ways. The easiest and quickest way to use hemp oil is sublingually. A sublingual application is as easy as putting a few drops underneath your tongue. However, CBD users have found many creative ways to use CBD as well — and each has their own benefits.

Hemp oil edibles are quite popular since they are incredibly easy to use and often delicious. An all-time favorite is hemp gummy bears. There are also hemp oil pills for those who prefer to swallow rather than chew. While ingestible hemp products are discreet and simple take, they do take longer to have an effect than other forms of hemp oil.

Vaporizer hemp oil products have become very popular in recent years. The vaporizer liquid is simply added to a vape pen and inhaled. This is a quick way to experience the effects of hemp oil. However, this method is not known to yield long-lasting benefits.

Another way to use hemp oil is topically. Topical products include face creams, skin moisturizers, lip balms, and hand lotions. Simply use the products as you usually would and experience the benefits of hemp oil.

The Health Benefits Of Hemp Oil

There are many health benefits of hemp oil. Most of which is believed to be because of its CBD content.

Hemp oil for anxiety

Several studies have shown that the CBD found hemp oil has a significant effect on those with anxiety disorders—especially social anxiety disorder. In one study done in 2011 , half of the participants were given 600mg of CBD 90 minutes before performing a simulated public speaking test. The other half were given a placebo. The group that used CBD significantly outperformed the placebo group.

Hemp oil for epilepsy

Hemp oil has a significant effect on those suffering from two rare types of epilepsy. The CBD content significantly reduces and even stops epileptic seizures altogether in many patients.

Hemp oil for chronic pain

CBD has an anti-inflammatory effect which is believed to be the reason hemp oil relieves chronic pain—especially for those with arthritis. Moreover, CBD has very few side effects and is not known to cause withdrawal symptoms or dependencies.

Hemp oil for sleep disorders

Due to its powerful effects on both chronic pain and anxiety, hemp oil can be an incredible sleep aid. While more research needs to be done on hemp oil and sleep disorders, anecdotal evidence suggests that those who suffer from insomnia can benefit from hemp oil.

Is Hemp Oil Legal?

The legality of cannabis products can be quite murky. Marijuana-derived CBD oil is only legal in states in which marijuana is legal. However, hemp and hemp-derived CBD products are legal throughout the United States. With the new 2018 Farm Bill having been signed into law, more opportunities than ever are available for people to have access to quality hemp.

Final thoughts

Hemp oil has countless uses and benefits. Because hemp oil is so powerful in treating many ailments, there’s no doubt that the use of hemp products will continue to rise. As the stigma surrounding cannabis dissipates and laws change, we will likely see more research done on hemp which may uncover even more of its incredible health benefits. 


Due to FDA Regulations, we recommend that you do your own research on CBD products. We also suggest that you read the reviews on our website; where our customers record their real-world results of using our products.