CBD for IBS: Complete Guide on Using CBD for IBS Symptoms

CBD for IBS: Complete Guide on Using CBD for IBS Symptoms

CBD Oil for IBS

Have you thought about taking CBD for IBS? If so, you’re definitely not the only one. Millions of people around the world suffer from this chronic condition, and many have found that CBD for IBS is actually quite useful. Today, we’ll be talking more about taking CBD for IBS so that you can begin a routine that suits your body’s needs as well as your personal preferences. As more and more people begin taking CBD for IBS, we’re finding out more and more about the unique link between this chronic condition and the cannabinoids that exist in the hemp plant.

Before we give a full breakdown in terms of how you can take CBD oil for IBS, we need to first learn more about this chronic condition. This will help us understand what it is about CBD that could make it so helpful.

What is IBS?

IBS, which stands for irritable bowel syndrome, is a fairly common digestive disorder that affects the large intestine. The most common symptoms are abdominal pain and cramping, diarrhea, constipation, gas and bloating. It seems that IBS is most commonly caused by inflammation of the large intestine, but certain genetic factors as well as illnesses can cause the disease to develop. It also seems that stress levels can have an effect on its development and can cause symptoms to become more severe as well.

IBS sufferers tend to find that their symptoms come and go throughout their lives. At some points, their symptoms are extremely severe, and it’s difficult for them to maintain a good quality of life. Other times, their symptoms may seem to disappear, only to come back later on.

Some factors that can determine when the symptoms reemerge are, besides stress, which we said earlier, dietary changes and lifestyle changes. It’s also possible that bodily infections can worsen symptoms for as long as the infection is present.

How Can CBD Help the Gut?

So, what does this all have to do with CBD? Well, there’s enough evidence that shows a unique relationship between CBD and IBS. Due to its enormous popularity, lots of people are taking CBD oil, and IBS sufferers are definitely among them. But, that’s not the only digestive issue CBD might be able to help with. One thing that’s unique about CBD is that unlike other plant-based compounds, it works with the endocannabinoid system in the body. The endocannabinoid system plays a role in the maintenance of homeostasis within the body, and it does this by regulating every process that we need in order to be healthy. The endocannabinoid system has cannabinoid receptors along the digestive tract, and when these cannabinoid receptors receive cannabinoids like CBD, it allows chemical reactions to occur which are capable of regulating the corresponding bodily processes.

Due to the unique properties of CBD, not to mention other hemp compounds, we’ve uncovered evidence that it may be able to help with the inflammation within the lower intestine that leads to the symptoms associated with IBS.

Benefits of CBD for IBS

So, what is the link between CBD oil and IBS? Well, CBD oil is simply a concentrated oil that combines hemp extract with a carrier oil. It’s one of the most versatile CBD products there is, which is why it’s so popular among hemp users. But, other CBD products exist as well, such as edibles, that can be equally useful to IBS sufferers.

The relationship between CBD and IBS sufferers shows that CBD at least has the potential to help with the symptoms as well as the underlying inflammation. As more and more studies come out on CBD’s effects on IBS specifically, we’ll understand more about why this may be such a useful product, and doctors will be better at coming up with CBD routines for their IBS patients.

CBD Dosage for IBS

If you’re going to take CBD oil for IBS, it’s important that you go about starting a routine in the proper manner, and a big part of that is determining the right dosage. The CBD dosage for IBS depends on a couple of factors. One is your body weight. Higher body weights require higher dosage levels. Another thing that determines the CBD dosage for IBS is how severe your symptoms are. Again, the more severe the symptoms, the higher the dosage level should be.

But the most important determining factor when it comes to figuring out the right CBD dosage for IBS is the milligram strength. Every CBD product has its own unique milligram strength, which refers to the number of milligrams of hemp extract in the product. You can take a high dose of a low-potency CBD product and not get the experience you want, because the milligram strength is too low. So, depending on the severity of your symptoms, choose your milligram strength wisely.

A lot of people find that higher milligram strengths are more useful for more severe symptoms, and IBS sufferers are no different. So, see what’s available and go with something that’s on the higher end of things if you find that you’re really struggling with your condition.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, it’s not a bad idea to consider taking CBD for IBS. Based on research, combined with our knowledge of CBD, it’s clear that there’s a link between taking CBD and IBS. Considering the unique properties of CBD, IBS sufferers are swearing by it as part of their daily routine. If you wish to start taking CBD oil for IBS, check out the variety of hemp oil products that we have to offer at Intrinsic Hemp.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products discussed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Due to FDA Regulations, we recommend that you do your own research on CBD products. We also suggest that you read the reviews on our website; where our customers record their real-world results of using our products.

CBD for IBS F.A.Q.

A lot of people take CBD for IBS with positive results. We cannot say for certain that CBD for IBS always works as everyone is different and clinical research is still underway.

While we’re talking a lot about CBD for IBS, we want to mention that the endocannabinoid receptors in the digestive tract mean that CBD might be able to help with other digestive issues as well. This can include a vast array of digestive ailments known to affect us. The relationship between CBD and IBS has been researched more than that of CBD and other digestive issues, but we expect to see a lot more about hemp’s unique effects on the digestive tract in the years to come.

One thing that we get asked a lot is if taking CBD for IBS can cause gastrointestinal problems. We’ve focused on potentially positive factors of CBD and IBS sufferers, but not on potential negative ones. Well, what we can say is that as of now, there’s no evidence that suggests CBD could cause gastrointestinal issues.

If you’re taking CBD for IBS, you probably want to know if it’s going to affect your bowel movements. Due to the fact that cannabinoid receptors are found along the digestive tract, it’s possible that some subtle changes may occur. But, you shouldn’t experience anything drastic or alarming. If you’re taking CBD oil for IBS and are having problems with your bowel movements, speak to your doctor.