CBD Tolerance: Do CBD Users Build Up a Tolerance Over Time?

CBD Tolerance: Do CBD Users Build Up a Tolerance Over Time?

There is a lot of misleading information on whether those who use cannabidiol oil can build a CBD tolerance. Science says yes, you can build a tolerance to this cannabinoid just like most other substances. However, the way your body processes CBD will dictate how your body builds this tolerance.

Tolerance is the body getting used to a substance, which results in a less effective reaction of that substance. This typically and sometimes dangerously results in a user needing more of that substance. CBD, however, is not dangerous and it takes a whole lot to get to a toxic state.

There are also other things to consider if you feel the CBD products you are using are becoming less effective. Sometimes outdated CBD can lose its strength, so make sure you are paying attention to your product expiration date. If your CBD has traces of THC in it, this can affect how your body reacts as well.

Below we discuss the tolerance differences, how your body builds tolerance and how to manage tolerance so you are always getting the most out of your Intrinsic Hemp CBD products.

What is Tolerance?

Your brain and your liver are the ones to blame when it comes to building a tolerance to something. Tolerance happens because the receptors in your brain that are involved decrease, as does their ability to bind efficiently. Your liver also has to work harder to metabolize these substances each time you consume them.

The Endocannabinoid System

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) consists of receptors located all over the body and brain. This system serves a vital purpose for our overall well-being. It regulates the body and essentially keeps everything “in check.”

Cannabinoid receptors are on the surface of your cells. They transmit information and kick-start the appropriate response. Cannabinoids like CBD seem to affect the cannabinoid receptors called CB1 and CB2—giving you the incredible benefits that CBD has to offer.

But, when you overuse a substance like medication or alcohol, some of these receptors will not work efficiently, causing you to become tolerant to the substance. What’s interesting is that CBD may not have this same effect.

CBD Tolerance vs. THC Tolerance

Hemp and marijuana are very different. CBD from hemp products will not give you mind-altering effects, whereas CBD from marijuana products will. This is because CBD products from hemp contain less than 0.3% THC, while CBD products sourced from marijuana contain higher amounts of THC, which is what gives you the psychoactive effects.

People who become tolerant of marijuana are not actually tolerant of CBD. They are tolerant of THC. After frequent use, people do seem to become tolerant of THC leaving them wanting to up their dosage. However, According to the World Health Organization (WHO), CBD does not have the same effects as THC, Specifically when it comes to building tolerance. In some cases, Reverse tolerance has been noted with CBD users.

Reverse Tolerance

This means using CBD may cause you to feel like you need less and less over time while still receiving the same benefits.

Natural chemical compounds found in hemp (like CBD) work closely with the endocannabinoid system by attaching themselves to the receptors. Over time, the compound THC will diminish the effectiveness of these receptors. However, CBD promotes activity in these receptors creating this reverse tolerance.

CBD vs. Pharmaceuticals

More and more people are searching for natural products that can benefit them without uncertain and potentially dangerous side effects.

CBD has been known to have incredible benefits for people struggling with an array of ailments, such as:





Chronic Pain



Typical pharmaceuticals come with a long list of possible and sometimes dangerous side effects. However, CBD does not seem to have any severe side effects. Pharmaceuticals also have a bad reputation for causing people to become addicted to them. CBD does not appear to be addictive.

Unfortunately, people can become tolerant to many different types of medications, making them feel like they need more to get the same effectiveness. This can lead to an overdose which can be fatal. As mentioned, you are unlikely to become tolerant to CBD products like CBD oil or CBD gummies. There are also no known cases of fatal CBD overdose. It is important to consult your physician before replacing any medication with CBD.

Everyone is Different

It is essential to keep in mind that everyone is unique. If you feel like you could become tolerant to CBD, there are a few things that might help. In this rare case, it is recommended to take breaks when using CBD, try a different routine, a different product, or a different serving size.

CBD is beneficial, natural, effective, and seems to come with a much smaller risk than traditional pharmaceuticals. It may be the answer you’ve been looking for.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products discussed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Due to FDA Regulations, we recommend that you do your own research on CBD products. We also suggest that you read the reviews on our website, where our customers record their real-world results of using our products.